I live in DC, and everywhere I look new apartment buildings are popping up faster than I can blink. They’re super flashy and look gorgeous, but as soon as some of these fast-and-fancy apartments start to get lived in, they fall apart.
They’re built with form as the priority over function. They look good and style nicely, but as soon as you put them to the test, the cabinet doors start to warp and the dish washer starts spewing water all over the place. And here you are paying $2500 a month for a 600 square foot apartment, feeling kinda uncomfortable in your own (tiny) space.
But that’s how a lot of industries are, and fitness is absolutely no exception to that rule. There is a lot of bullshit out there, and if you aren’t careful with your research and who you trust, you can end up feeling pretty uncomfortable in your own skin.
A lot of classes, studios, and instructors look flashy and style nicely, but when you put the workouts to the test, you don’t see results or sustainable progress, and you may even see old injuries creep back up.
DON’T GET ME WRONG. There are a lot of people out there who know what they are talking about and collectively we have raised the standard for coaches in the industry. That makes me really proud, and hopefully it makes you feel the same.
But the coaches can’t do it alone. We need you to invest in yourself like we invest in you.
There are 24 hours in a day and you see your coaches for 1 hour a day MAX. What are you doing during the other 23 hours of the day? It’s the work (or recovery) you do off the turf that sets you up for success.
If you’ve done the research to seek out the best coach and still feel like you haven’t made progress in a training program or you find yourself picking up the same weight you first picked up two years ago, then you have to take a step back and look at what is preventing you from doing so.
How many hours of sleep do you get? Are you eating enough? Are you overtrained? Are you stressed out? Are you your own priority??
Making it to the workout is not the hardest part of the journey.
The hardest part of the journey is taking responsibility for the direction you want to take your life. Putting yourself first looks like showing up to the workout but then also finding moments off the turf where you can shut off work and social media, when you can intentionally connect with yourself and what you want.
Do the work. Research coaches that have progressive strength training programs with quality 1:1 mentorship built into every workout. Make sure you do show up for those workouts. But beyond that, do the work it takes to say no to that last episode in exchange for an extra hour of sleep. Keep the alarm on your phone across the room while you sleep to stop the doom scrolling. Prioritize yourself in all aspects of life, and suddenly your progress on the field will skyrocket.
That’s how you reach your fitness goals.